Concord Urodynamics and Pelvic Floor Ultrasound Course

We are pleased to announce a multi-disciplinary Urodynamics and Pelvic Floor Ultrasound Course to be conducted at Concord Hospital on 24-25th August 2024. The Course is hosted by the Department of Urology and Concord Institute of Academic Surgery. The faculty comprises urologists, gynaecologists and nurse practitioners. The Concord Urodynamics Course is designed for clinicians (medical, nursing, allied health) who are starting to perform urodynamics or wish to have an in-depth refresher course about urodynamics.

The course comprises a number of modules with lectures, panel discussion and practical hands-on workshop components for clinicians to familiarise themselves with urodynamics setup and equipment. There are 2 Advanced modules on ultrasound hands-on training and advanced interpretation/management of complex cases for medical practitioners.

Participant numbers are strictly limited and expressions of interest should be directed to Jean Mah-Collins, Director, Concord Institute of Academic Surgery (02)97679992 or Lewis Chan, Head of Urology, Concord Hospital (02)97676292


Course Fees

Medical Practitioners – $900

Accredited Trainees in Urology or Gynaecology - $700

Nurse/ Physiotherapist/ Scientist - $500



Prof Lewis Chan FRACS, DDU (Chair) - Urologist, Concord Hospital

A/Prof Vincent Tse MS FRACS - Urologist, Concord Hospital

Dr Jennifer King OAM FRANZCOG CU- Urogynaecologist, Westmead Hospital

Dr Stephanie The DDU FRANZCOG COGU- Gynaecologist, Westmead Hospital

Dr Tom Jarvis FRACS- Urologist, Prince of Wales Hospital

Dr Audrey Wang FRACS - Urologist, Westmead Hospital

Ms Karina So RN NP - Urology Nurse Practitioner


Venue Name

Concord Repatriation General Hospital

Venue Address

Concord Repatriation General Hospital, Sydney, NSW, Australia